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Feniş Stad Han Office Renovation





3,000 m2


The shift of office spaces to newly formed Levent-Maslak axis as the new CBD had affected all office spaces in this region, living most vacant. Despite the down turn look, the investors had a strategic plan, they would invest on the renovation of the building façade and interior design.

Located just beside one of the busiest traffic arteries of the city, noise was a primary concern for existing office workers. In order to solve this problem all windows were replaced with double-glazed windows. The use of rock wool insulation underneath new ceramic façade for energy efficiency, also contributed in absorbing the noise.

With the existing undisturbed linear windows the south façade had extreme amounts of direct sun light. Resulting in glare and high contrast for the office and adding to cooling costs in summer times. The building's smart sunscreens are able to screen the sun on bright and hot summer days, but still allow for daylight to permeate through on winter.

The fifth façade, the roof was revised totally. A new steel structure replaced the roof of the old one that was not functioning.

Renovation of the façade and common areas had lifted the perception, decreased heating/cooling costs and new tenants quickly moved in.


Feniş Systems


Bahar Yayla



Feniş Co.

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